Thursday, October 13, 2011

There's a new grain in town, and it's naked

Cavena Nuda, a new form of hulless oats, has high hopes for making an impact on global health
Oats…meet your cousin, Cavena Nuda. Aka, Naked oats.
Cavena nuda is a naturally hull-free grain produced by Canadian farmer Scott Sigvaldason.  Avena nuda is Latin for naked oats, and the “C” was added to make it Canadian.   Similar in taste and texture to rice, this new kind of oats is often called “rice of the prairies.”
Cavena nuda could provide nourishment for impoverished countries needing to grow their own food, says Scott in a News1130 interview. Much of the processing of regular oats comes from removing the hull- a process called oat milling.  Once the hull is removed the oats must be heated to keep them from going rancid, according to the Cavena Nuda website.  This processing requires fuel, and is not an economically friendly option for poor countries, where rice is a common staple.  Countries that rely on rice as a nutritious food staple may grow this new grain and spare themselves from the contamination that often comes from run-off of rice patty fields.  Fresh water resources are also spared because these oats have no flooding or irrigation requirements, according to the website.
Paging Dr. Oats
Dr. Vernon Burrows, research scientist emeritus with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Ottawa,  says hulless oats are adapted to grow anywhere in cereal growing regions, which would provide farmers an opportunity to grow their own crops and provide local food to their communities.    Dr. Burrows has spent time with farmers in China who grow hulless oats to improve production.  This could mean big things for global health.
“In time, I believe these new hulless oat varieties will be the new oats of the future, something like the transition from industrial rapeseed to canola,” Sigvaldason said to Top Crop Manager.
 By eating naturally hull-free naked oats, which are denser than regular oats and thus use less storage space, you can reduce your carbon foot print.  Not only are you making a choice with is better for the environment, but eating Cavena Nuda oats instead of regular oats you are doing your diet a favor as well.
With a nutty flavor, naked oats taste just like brown rice but are much more nutritious.  100g of Cavena contains less calories and more dietary fiber and protein (a winning combination for keeping you full) than regular oats.  The fact that they don’t need to be heat treated the way regular oats do allows Cavena to have this higher protein content. The chart below provides a more in-depth nutritional comparison between Cavena Nuda, white rice, and oats.

If you know how to boil water, you know how to cook naked oats. Simply cook 1 cup of oats in 2.5 cups of water for 35-40 minutes, then drain.
Add it to soups, salads as you would bulgur or quinoa.  You can also grind and toast the grains and use them like you would breadcrumbs, or use as a substitute for oats in your favorite bread or muffin recipes.
For tasty ways to try Cavena Nuva, check out their website for recipes like Cavena Nuda Crusted Pork Tenderloin or Naked Chili.
A "Healthy Harvest Risotto" using naked oats

If you’d like to see Cavena Nuva in your local supermarket, visit their website and download a request form.     
What do you think about naked oats- have you tried them? Would you use them as a replacement for your regular rolled oats?


  1. I think you need to put up a lasagna recipe. Jus sayin :D

  2. Jake! Hmmmmmmm I could do that but I run the risk of being a food celeb too fast too soon



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